From Nathalie Moreau.
Nathalie started Junomichi when she was 40 years old in 2008

Ju no michi = the way of suppleness, both physical and mental. It is the path of adaptation, encompassing rather than confrontation, non-opposition rather than violence, mobility rather than blocking.
Do not confuse power with force.
In Junomichi, we seek effectiveness without muscular strength. Power comes from the right movement at the right moment. We work on slowness rather than speed to achieve greater control and efficiency.
The practice of body and mind in Junomichi allows for self-development, in the spirit of personal growth, as is common in all Japanese arts, and it can be applied to all our daily activities.
The values upheld by Junomichi encourage us to care for each other during practice and to practise with everyone, regardless of age, gender, or physical condition.