

6th Kyu (White Belt)

Junomichi: Explaining the significance of bowing, donning the Judogi, and how to tie the belt. Ushiro and Yoko Ukemi (falling techniques). Introduction to Kumi Kata (gripping methods). Shizentai Migi (natural stance right) and Shizentai, 3 Tachi Waza (standing techniques), Hidari Shizentai (natural stance left). Basic control in Ne Waza (ground techniques) using the first principle of Gesa and Yoko Gatame (side control).

Jujitsu: Principles of Ude Ate Waza (arm striking techniques) and Ashi Ute Waza (leg striking techniques).

5th Kyu (Yellow Belt)

Junomichi: Uchi Komi (repetitive practice) of 3 Tachi Waza and Ne Waza techniques. As Uke (receiver), reclaiming control from Tori (attacker). Application of techniques in motion. Introduction to the first Randori (free practice). Yoko Ushiro (side and back falling techniques) and Mae Ukemi (front falling technique).

Jujitsu: Establishing connections between Atemi Waza (striking techniques) and Tachi Waza (standing techniques). First experience in Randori.

4th Kyu (Orange Belt)

Junomichi: Basics of Shime (strangling techniques) and Kansetsu waza (joint locking techniques). Randori (free practice) with an emphasis on hara (center) awareness. Linking Ne Waza techniques with Tachi Waza techniques. First Shiaï (competitive practice).

Jujitsu: Establishing connections between Atemi Waza and Tachi Waza, and an introduction to Kansetsu waza. Study of Kime No kata (forms of immobilization techniques).

3rd Kyu (Green Belt)

Junomichi: Uchi Komi in all directions (Tachi and Ne Waza techniques). In-depth study of the three primary controls in Ne Waza. Ashi Waza (leg techniques) and Goshi waza (hip techniques) in motion. Randori practice in both Tachi and Ne Waza. Nage No kata (forms of throwing techniques), first experience as judges during Randori and Shiaï (competitive practice).

Jujitsu: Further integration of Atemi Waza Tachi Waza, and Kansetsu waza. Study of Kime No kata.

2nd Kyu (Blue Belt)

Junomichi: Advanced study of Kansetsu Waza and Shime Waza. Uchi Komi practice, personal technical study, and Randori practice. Mastery of Katame No kata (forms of immobilization and holding techniques), Kansetsu and Shime waza. Personal exploration of No Opposition and Hara mobility. Nage No kata (Gochi Waza and Achi waza).

Jujitsu: Uchi Komi in Atemi Waza, comprehensive Atemi Waza techniques. Controlling partners through connections between Atemi Waza, Tachi waza, and ground control. Study of Kime No kata.

1st Kyu (Brown Belt)

Junomichi: Personal Uchi Komi (repetitive practice). In-depth study of Tachi Waza, Ne waza, Kansetsu waza, and Shime waza techniques from the Gokyo. Development of personal awareness and research in Hara Mobility. Proficiency in the entire Nage no Kata. Introduction to Katame No Kata and Kime No Kata.

Jujitsu: Personal Uchi Komi with Atemi Waza. Creating personal connections from Atemi waza to Tachi waza and technical control. Emphasis on partner awareness, responsibility, and self-preservation. Study of Kime No kata, and introduction to Nage No Kata and Katame No Kata.