What is Ju No Michi
No Opposition – Decision – Self Control
Mobility – Encompassing
Junomichi is the real and original Judo-Jujitsu developed by Dr. Jigoro Kano.

Junomichi focuses on self-discovery and improvement of ourselves
Physical fitness is not the primary goal although this is a by-effect.
Sport Judo and Jujitsu is just a distortion of Dr Kano’s work – The founder
Mr. Igor Correa:
“I made a discovery; I found that the Japanese had something we did not have. This can be seen in judo, kendo, karate, and aikido? they had mobility.
Mobility has nothing to do with mechanics or anatomy.
In Junomichi, we seek what we do not naturally possess, mobility.
To be mobile is neither balance nor imbalance…… Read More
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Why Junomichi (real Judo) is for everyone
By Nathalie Moreau. Nathalie started Junomichi when she was 40 years old in 2008
Ju no michi = the way of suppleness, both physical and mental. It is the path of adaptation, encompassing rather than confrontation, non-opposition rather than violence, mobility rather than blocking.
There are 2 Schools in Edinburgh.
Only for adults and teenagers
(from 15 years old).
Oxgangs Neighbourhood Center: Every Friday at 7:00 pm
Inch House Community Center: Every Wednesday at 7:15 pm
Fun, Friendships, Exploration,
We do not care if you’re not strong, too old, too whatever..
We research and Study Mutual Prosperity
and for us, this is not just a poster displayed against the wall.
Email: contact@judo-school-scotland.scot – Phone: 07 885 386 477